The Constantinople Chapter

A short film by Sally Child (15 mins), with original music by Lazar Sverdloff (written in 1908 and 1917), Catherine Shrubshall and Richard Kett (written in 2023).

Tea Trolley Dancing and Palm Court Music at it’s best! A group of delectable Essex tea trolley dancers improvise playfully, elegantly and athletically in the beautiful Royal Albion Ballroom in Walton- on-the Naze!! The music celebrates Lazar’s time in Turkey, during a long journey from Ukraine to Australia at the beginning of the 20th century. Recently discovered manuscripts by Sverdloff have been brought to life with new orchestrations by Shrubshall & Kett.

It all started over a relaxed coffee with textile artist Shane Waltener...”Have you tried the beetroot latte yet? – delicious!!” – then I curve balled to asking Shane about his creative DNA (like you do!). Shane casually informed me that his Great Uncle had been a professional violinist and composer, and had travelled from his home in Ukraine through Europe between 1908 and 1940, playing in orchestras, writing music and searching for freedom…finally settling in Australia...WOW!!  “Can we get hold of any of the music”, I cried out loudly!! “Yes” said he, just as enthusiastically (whilst mindfully avoiding any latte spilling gesticulations!)

For several weeks we waited with baited breath for the precious package to arrive from Shane’s mum in deepest Australia – containing original manuscripts penned by Lazar himself. I was beside myself with excitement, and couldn’t wait to take them to the studio to get our extremely productive Richard Kett on the case – we chose 2 Turkish influenced compositions from the pile to start the project, and Richard began the long task of inputting the works, note by note, into a computer programme

Finally the beautiful string quartets were uploaded for us to arrange and bring to life…we hoped Lazar would approve of the charming palm court orchestra who now play his heart-felt notes – and having to share his violin solos with my clarinet!!

Very soon after this, a new Kett/Shrubshall composition emerged to join the Lazar programme, film maker Sally Child was inspired to dust off her beloved collection of tea trolleys (and some weirdly wonderful costumes too), tea trolley dancers were gathered…and we booked the Royal Albion Ballroom in Walton-on-the-Naze to make our film!

The resulting short film and music were premiered on 30th December 2023 at “The Nose” Project Space in Walton-on-the-Naze,  Essex

“A fab night last night! ‘Absolutely magical and a little bit hilarious!
— Jane Stewart

Lazar Audio Clips

Lazar Film Clips